


1. 查看关联关系

1.1 查看全部关联关系
# sacctmgr list assoc
   Cluster    Account       User  Partition     Share GrpJobs       GrpTRES GrpSubmit     GrpWall   GrpTRESMins MaxJobs       MaxTRES MaxTRESPerNode MaxSubmit     MaxWall   MaxTRESMins             QOS   Def QOS GrpTRESRunMin
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------- --------- ----------- ------------- -------------------- --------- -------------
  abhpc-ai       root                               1                                                                                                                                                  normal                         
  abhpc-ai       root       root                    1                                                                                                                                                  normal                         
  abhpc-ai tensorflow                               1                                                                                                                                                  normal                         
  abhpc-ai tensorflow      abhpc                    1                                                                                                                                                  normal                         
  abhpc-ai tensorflow       lily                    1                                                                                                                                                  normal                         
1.2 slassoc命令


# slassoc
   Cluster    Account       User                  QOS  Partition       GrpTRES
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- -------------
  abhpc-ai       root                          normal                          
  abhpc-ai       root       root               normal                          
  abhpc-ai tensorflow                          normal                          
  abhpc-ai tensorflow      abhpc               normal                          
  abhpc-ai tensorflow       lily               normal

2. Account和User的管理


# sacctmgr --help
add account        - Clusters=, DefaultQOS=, Description=, Fairshare=,
                     GrpTRESMins=, GrpTRES=, GrpJobs=, GrpMemory=,   
                     GrpNodes=, GrpSubmitJob=, GrpWall=, MaxTRESMins=,
                     MaxTRES=, MaxJobs=, MaxNodes=, MaxSubmitJobs=,
                     MaxWall=, Names=, Organization=, Parent=,      
                     and QosLevel=                                  
modify account     - (set options) DefaultQOS=, Description=,       
                     Fairshare=, GrpTRESMins=, GrpTRESRunMins=,       
                     GrpTRES=, GrpJobs=, GrpMemory=, GrpNodes=,     
                     GrpSubmitJob=, GrpWall=, MaxTRESMins=, MaxTRES=,
                     MaxJobs=, MaxNodes=, MaxSubmitJobs=, MaxWall=,
                     Names=, Organization=, Parent=, and QosLevel=  
                     RawUsage= (with admin privileges only)         
                     (where options) Clusters=, DefaultQOS=,        
                     Descriptions=, Names=, Organizations=,         
                     Parent=, and QosLevel=

同样通过以下命令可以查看到add user部分的参数:

# sacctmgr --help
add user           - Accounts=, AdminLevel=, Clusters=,             
                     DefaultAccount=, DefaultQOS=, DefaultWCKey=,   
                     Fairshare=, MaxTRESMins=, MaxTRES=,            
                     MaxJobs=, MaxNodes=, MaxSubmitJobs=, MaxWall=,
                     Names=, Partitions=, and QosLevel=             
modify user        - (set options) AdminLevel=, DefaultAccount=,    
                     DefaultQOS=, DefaultWCKey=, Fairshare=,        
                     MaxTRESMins=, MaxTRES=, MaxJobs=, MaxNodes=,   
                     MaxSubmitJobs=, MaxWall=, NewName=,            
                     and QosLevel=,                                 
                     RawUsage= (with admin privileges only)         
                     (where options) Accounts=, AdminLevel=,        
                     Clusters=, DefaultAccount=, Names=,            
                     Partitions=, and QosLevel=
2.1 新建一个account的命令如下:
# sacctmgr add account [账号名称]
2.2 添加用户到指定的Account(例如tensorflow):
# sacctmgr add user account=tensorflow
2.3 修改用户属性
# sacctmgr modify user [用户名] set [属性]=[设定值]


3. Account和User的权限管理


Maximum number of TRES running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this association and all associations which are children of this association. To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1 for each TRES id.
NOTE: This limit only applies fully when using the Select Consumable Resource plugin.


# sacctmgr modify user lily set Grptres="cpu=40,node=2,gres/gpu=4"
# slassoc
   Cluster    Account       User                  QOS  Partition                        GrpTRES
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
  abhpc-ai       root                          normal
  abhpc-ai       root       root               normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow                          normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow      abhpc               normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow       lily               normal                  cpu=40,gres/gpu=4,node=2


# sacctmgr modify user lily set Grptres="cpu=-1,node=-1,gres/gpu=-1"
   Cluster    Account       User                  QOS  Partition                        GrpTRES
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
  abhpc-ai       root                          normal
  abhpc-ai       root       root               normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow                          normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow      abhpc               normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow       lily               normal                  


# sacctmgr modify account tensorflow set Grptres="cpu=40,node=2,gres/gpu=4"
# slassoc
   Cluster    Account       User                  QOS  Partition                        GrpTRES
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
  abhpc-ai       root                          normal                                           
  abhpc-ai       root       root               normal                                           
  abhpc-ai tensorflow                          normal                  cpu=40,gres/gpu=4,node=2
  abhpc-ai tensorflow      abhpc               normal                                           
  abhpc-ai tensorflow       lily               normal


# sacctmgr modify account tensorflow set Grptres="cpu=-1,node=-1,gres/gpu=-1"
   Cluster    Account       User                  QOS  Partition                        GrpTRES
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
  abhpc-ai       root                          normal
  abhpc-ai       root       root               normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow                          normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow      abhpc               normal
  abhpc-ai tensorflow       lily               normal

4. 管理员计费系统


4.1 对用户lily自2019年1月1日0时起使用的机时进行统计:
# sacct -u lily -S 2019-01-01T00:00:00 -o "jobid,partition,account,user,alloccpus,cputimeraw,state,workdir%60" -X |awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$6}END{print total}'
4.2 对名为tensorflow的account自2019年1月1日0时起使用的机时进行统计:
# sacct -A tensorflow -S 2019-01-01T00:00:00 -o "jobid,partition,account,user,alloccpus,cputimeraw,state,workdir%60" -X |awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$6}END{print total}'



sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser start=2019-01-01 user=ame